From Plaza Patricio Lumumba
A cool September morning several decades ago, I attended my first classes in law at the UCV. It was Monday.
At that time, a 16 year old still playing dreidel, metras, spin or lightning. So, it is likely that the weekend before the start of school, have practiced any of those games. And that Monday was bestial.
Suddenly I found myself before an audience of fellow students almost all much older than me and besides that hear the kinds of Rafael Caldera, Planchart Gustavo Manrique and Jose Luis Aguilar Gorrondona, among others. At times I felt that I speak in another language.
Finished classes that Monday, I went straight to the self-styled "revolutionary" called the Plaza Patricio Lumumba, known African leader had been killed. The square was between what were the dormitories and what would become the School of Economics
I confess that this impact gave me tears do not know why cause. At one point I looked back at the posters of Lumumba and if memory serves me, too Américo Martín, Marcos Gómez and Julio Escalona.
In that moment of that day he began the long meditation that I still do, about communism. Am available to you, gentle reader, my conclusions, sure as I am that serve to nurture our political culture. I think I'll do two or three paragraphs like this, which, in addition to this network, will be available on my blog


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